Become Your Own Business Reseller
Become Your Own Business Reseller
Take Your 1st Footstep Into High Ticket Sales!
With our "Become Your Own Business Reseller" project you'll learn various digital marketing & business developmental aspects to create & grow your own professional high ticket reseller business! The pricing model for this project is combined with our 30% Return-On-AdSpend (ROAS) package.
What's included within this investment?
You'll Get:
- Live Business Q&A
- Complete Website Creation
- 5x Landing Page Creation/Optimization
- Monthly Business Reports
- Exclusive Access To Our Marketing Community
- Multi Channel Marketing (Includes Google, Facebook/Instagram, and TikTok)
- Access to Private Industry Distributors
- 2x Organic Content Strategy For Brand Building
- Access To Private Shipping Suppliers (if applicable)
- 3x Email Marketing Automation Campaign Setup
- All Advertisement Creation & Integration
- Yearly Shopify Business Subscription
- Google Merchant Center Setup
- Google My Business (GMB) Creation
Refer one of your friends & receive up to 20% commission upon sale.
*At the end of our project, you'll be able to either purchase your company at 100% ownership, or cash out & receive 70% profit upon exit. Our firm projection for your Return-On-Investment (ROI) is throughout a 12-24 month cycle. As this business model is an investment, we do not guarantee any results based on industry size, previous campaign data, nor verbal agreement.*
Ready To Take Your Brand To The Next Level?
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